A number of the meeting reports from this summer are now available. They include the coastal meetings at Berrow Dunes and Sand Bay, an estuarine meeting at Pawlett Hams, and the aquatic plant workshop at Southlake Moor. Berrow Dunes SSSI has long been valued for its rare plants, with 14 Rare Plant Register species being found on this occasion including the spectacular, goat-scented, Lizard Orchid. Sand Bay provided an opportunity to study coastal species at the strand line, on the dunes, and on the saltmarsh. The visit to Pawlett Hams, a large area enclosed by a meander of the Parrett estuary, included freshwater ditches and saltmarsh, with an interesting variety of terrestrial plants along White House Road. The aquatic plants workshop took place at Southlake Moor, beside Barrow Mump, where the ditches are probably some of the most diverse in the county.
Photos below: Knotted Hedge-parsley © Liz Downey, Saltmarsh Rush © Fred Rumsey, Arrowhead © Cath Shellswell