Booking is Essential for all meetings
Please email or ring the leader before each meeting to say you are coming. This helps with
planning and can be useful if there are changes to the programme. Parking is sometimes limited
so please lift share where possible. Please bring your GPS or mobile phone if you have one.
Meet from 10.30am for an 11am start unless stated otherwise.
Click on a meeting to see the full description, meeting place, and contact details. A printable version of the programme is available here.
A recording meeting to search for early spring annuals, for example Dwarf Mouse-ear (Cerastium
pumilum) and Little Mouse-ear (C. semidecandrum). Other specialities of the site include White
Rock-rose (Helianthemum apenninum) and Somerset Hair-grass (Koeleria vallesiana). We will
particularly explore the east end of the peninsula.
Meet: National Trust car park, free to NT members, £6 for non-members (ST29685844)
What3Words: equity.spades.finely (Google Map)
Leaders: Helena Crouch or 07773 037001 & Margaret Webster
Recording in privately owned and managed species-rich ancient woodland. The woodland has a
large population of Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria) and a good range of ancient woodland
indicators, including Herb-paris. SRPG members last visited in 2011. Numbers limited to 10
Meet: details available on booking. Limited parking. Car sharing if possible.
Leader: Steve Parker or 07450 691712
A weekday late afternoon/evening meeting timed to enjoy the impressive display of Green-winged
Orchid (Anacamptis morio) and to hunt for Adder’s-tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum), followed
by a convivial drink in the pub.
Meet: Car park of the Red Lion, Babcary (ST564285) by kind permission of the owner.
What3Words: huddling.loving.headed (Google Map)
Leader: Fred Rumsey
An introduction to Taraxacum. How to collect, photograph, press and record a good specimen, the
sorts of features needing to be recorded in the field, etc. We will visit a variety of habitats close to
the Avalon Marshes Centre. Numbers limited to 8
Meet: Avalon Marshes Centre (ST426415)
What3Words: mistress.lizard.motivator (Google Map)
Leader: Simon Leach
A chance to practice field recording against a gold standard recorder, helping to prepare for the
FISC field tests. This is a species rich common with excellent grassland with woodland and
wetland habitats.
Meet: small car park on Ash Priors Common (ST156288)
What3Words: unsightly.certainly.guarded (Google Map)
Leader: Steve Parker or 07450 691712
A recording meeting in ancient woodland with damp fields and a tufa spring.
Meet: At Blackmore Farm, Woolminstone (ST403083)
What3Words: frail.rigs.chill (Google Map)
Leaders: Val Graham or 07749 056788 & Fred Rumsey
An introduction to grass identification and the use of keys. We will start with an indoor training
session then go out in the field to practice identification of common grasses and other grassland
species. This is also a chance to learn about and explore this rewilding site. Coffee and cake etc
provided – a small donation towards costs would be appreciated. Numbers limited to 20.
Meet: Lower West Barn Farm, Bindon Lane, Witham Friary (ST736400). Parking is in the Day Visitor/Tour parking (large barns), not the farmhouse itself. Once parked, walk back out to the road and turn right: the event space is in the farmhouse on the right.
What3Words: sectors.obviously.giggled (Google Map)
Leaders: Liz Biron & Helena Crouch, bookings or 07773 037001
A meeting to explore green lanes, old pasture, damp meadows and woodland around the village.
We hope to see Round-fruited Rush (Juncus compressus), Marsh Arrowgrass (Triglochin
palustris), Saw-wort (Serratula tinctoria) and Adder’s-tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum). Pitney is
the only Somerset site for Berry Catchfly (Silene baccifera).
Meet: recreation ground car park at south end of Leazemoor Lane (ST44302853)
What3Words: engineers.discouraged.holidays (Google Map)
Leaders: John Poingdestre & Helena Crouch or 07773 037001
Recording Large-flowered Butterwort (Pinguicula grandiflora) along Weir Water. The site has a rich
flora including mires and other wetland areas.
Meet: Robber’s Bridge car park (SS821464)
What3Words: whirlpool.zoos.selling (Google Map)
Leader: Steve Parker or 07450 691712
An evening walk to explore the species-rich grassland, woodland and ponds of the estate.
Meet: Mansion House car park (£3 for up to 5 hrs) car park closes at 9.15pm (ST55827194)
What3Words: pass.once.noises (Google Map)
Leaders: Helena Crouch or 07773 037001 & Aisa Irvine
A re-survey of the Blackdown mire complex at Britty Common. This will be a repeat visit to the site,
the last SRPG recording meeting was 2013. Grazing and woodland management had just been
introduced at that time.
Meet: Staple Hill car park (ST246159)
What3Words: snail.pumpkin.headstone (Google Map)
Leaders: Steve Parker or 07450 691712, co-leaders Linda
Everton & Karen Turvey
A visit to admire a range of limestone grassland species flowering in late summer. The mortal
remains of Nit Grass (Gastridium ventricosum), may still be apparent.
Meet: Chalet Youth Hostel car park (ST48023453)
What3Words: keener.scoots.mailboxes (Google Map)
Leader: Fred Rumsey
Sedges are often considered difficult to identify but may be of ecological importance and act as
indicators; many are of conservation concern. We will study our more frequent local species,
looking at different growth forms, distinguishing vegetative features, and floral characters. While
the focus will be on Somerset's sedges a slide show of the other British species will be given.
Attendees are welcome to bring material for identification.
Meet: Avalon Marshes Centre (ST42624150)
What3Words: mistress.lizard.motivator (Google Map)
Leader: Fred Rumsey
This year we will focus on estuarine habitats around the south edge of Pawlett Hams. We should
see Sea Wormwood (Artemisia maritima), Slender Hare’s-ear (Bupleurum tenuissimum), Sea
Clover (Trifolium squamosum) and a range of saltmarsh species.
Meet: start of White House Road (ST28294290). Parking limited, car-share where possible
What3Words: laying.trainer.ruling (Google Map)
Leaders: John Poingdestre & Helena Crouch or 07773 037001
Recording around the edge of the water body, searching for Round-fruited Rush (Juncus
compressus) and Orange Foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis).
Meet: roadside parking on Lawyer’s Hill (ST206359)
What3Words: question.takeovers.headset (Google Map)
Leaders: Steve Parker or 07450 691712 & Ellen McDouall
A meeting to record in plantation woodland on Lower Greensand, with a good variety of sedges,
ferns and species of acidic soils. This is one of the few sites for Wood Horsetail (Equisetum
sylvaticum) in VC6.
Meet: Alfred’s Tower car park, on N side of Tower Road (ST74883532)
What3Words: flopping.arming.hardly (Google Map)
Leader: Helena Crouch or 07773 037001
Urban botany, recording wild and naturalised plants in the streets of Wincanton, covering both VC5
and VC6.
Meet: Churchfields free car park, Wincanton BA9 9AJ (ST71182847)
What3Words: cabbies.brave.crows (Google Map)
Leaders: Steve Parker or 07450 691712 & Fred Rumsey
An annual event to see how many species we can find still flowering in the last week of October.
Timed to coincide with the Wild Flower Society’s ‘Autumn Hunt’. Quite a long walk, but we will aim
to include a café en route.
Meet: Silk Mills Park & Ride car park (ST20862554)
What3Words: packet.pines.melon (Google Map)
Leader: Simon Leach
Winter tree recording in town park, with a wide range of native and introduced tree species.
Meet: Park entrance gates (ST22712419)
What3Words: such.chill.yarn (Google Map)
Leaders: Steve Parker or 07450 691712 & Simon Leach