The group has roughly fortnightly meetings during the spring and summer with monthly meetings in the winter. Our currently planned meetings can be found here. You will also find reports on meetings here and in our annual newsletters. The key activity is the recording of the distribution of vascular plants in Somerset. The group is also working on a comprehensive Rare Plant Register for Somerset. The Somerset Botany section includes help with plant identification, our annual newsletters, and some articles on the history of botany in the county. Additional projects undertaken by members are listed under Activities > Projects.
Membership is open to anyone who is interested in conserving the flora of Somerset. New members are most welcome and you don’t have to live in the county. If you are interested, come along to a few meetings and find out about our work. The membership structure is very informal, but members are asked to make a small contribution to help with expenses.
Please email us if you would like to join the group.