Finds in VC5 – August 2020

This one missed last circular but I think it’s important we are all aware of it. Its Cotula coronopifolia (Buttonweed) found at West Sedgemoor SSSI in July 2020 by Steve Parker and Damon Bridge. This is first record for VC5, the first in VC6 was 2019 so if it’s spreading I would be interested in a little more detail of habitat please Steve?

The next one is an old record in VC5, Calystegia sylvatica subsp. disjuncta.  Seems a reasonable record, fits the Stace 4 description but the question I ask is what is the difference between it and Calystegia pulchra x sylvatica (C x howittorium), it flummoxed me on re-finding it?

Any help appreciated, details as recorded, well pouched bracteoles, pink only on outside of corolla, corolla 6.2cm, stamens 28mm, leaves with rounded sinus, pedicels glabrous.

Hieracium scotisticum was found in April 2020 during lockdown. It has now confirmed by our Hieracium referee Mike Shaw, author of the book Hawkweeds of South-east England, just published. It’s grown in gardens and usually found as an escape from April to July. Probably overlooked as this is the first record for VC5.

Hieracium scotisticum in April 2020 on wall

Best wishes
